What's Going On...

While our "Pick the Date" has concluded, our Nighthawk Football Players are ALWAYS raising money for their program. Our goal is to purchase guardian caps for our helmets to protect our boys from concussion. "The Guardian Cap is the leading soft shell helmet cover engineered for impact reduction. It brings a padded, soft-shell layer to the outside of the decades old hard-shell helmet and reduces impact up to 33%."

If you'd like to donate to our program, please email us at irhsfbboosterpres@gmail.com or message us on social media for more information. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and your donation is tax deductible. Thank you for your support!

Parent Meeting for INCOMING FRESHMAN and their PARENTS

Our incoming Freshman Parent and player orientation was on May 22nd.  If you were unable to attend and you are a parent or guardian of an incoming Freshman, please scan the QR code or click on the link below.  Then fill out the contact form so we can have you on our email list for important information about our upcoming season!  Also, check out the Frosh Tab for current practice times and schedules.





AUGUST 5TH 2024 

  • 7/28 Football conditioning and skills development M-F 6-8 am.  Entire team practices.
  • 8/5 First official day of football practice 

          Helmets and cleats only. Mon-Sat 6-8 am at IRHS. This is the acclimatization period during which players gradually become accustomed to playing in full pads during              the heat of the summer. M, T, W are helmets only. Thursday shoulder pads are added. Attendance is mandatory.

  • 8/12 First practice in full pads 6-8 am at IRHS. Only players that have completed the required acclimatization period (6 practices) may be in full pads.
  • 8/21 Scrimmage in Full Pads (site and opponent TBA)

Game Night Themes - dress to support

08.30 - TBA

09.13 - TBA

09.27 - TBA

10.25 - Pink Out 

11.01 - Senior Night - School Spirit


Visit the Frosh/Soph and Varsity tabs for more information including schedules and ticket information.


Tailgate Fun

2024 Varsity Home Game Tailgating, you won't want to miss it.  The fun starts at 5:00 pm  and includes: music, games, food & drink, friends, family, fun & more.   Thank you to everyone who came out to the tailgate parties this season!


Support the Nighthawks

Next Booster Meeting:  Tuesday July 9th

(subject to change)


Get Involved: Please check out the Volunteer & Donation tab and find out ways you can support your Nighthawks football team. 

The Nighthawks weight room was updated in 2023.  Thank you for all the generous contributions that made this possible for the all the athletes at Ironwood Ridge High School. 




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Austin Leg Drives are the most effective tool to build football leg strength to help your football team dominate the line of scrimmage!

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